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发布时间:2025-02-03 02:20:09  点击量:467

本文摘要:Dont forget to wipe before you swipe the next time you are at Tokyos Narita International Airport.下次到东京成田国际机场的时候,不要记得在滑手机之前把它擦干净。

Dont forget to wipe before you swipe the next time you are at Tokyos Narita International Airport.下次到东京成田国际机场的时候,不要记得在滑手机之前把它擦干净。Toilets at the airport have been equipped with toilet paper that you can use to disinfect your smartphone.该机场的厕所配有了可为智能手机消毒的“厕纸”。Paid for by Japanese mobile giant NTT Docomo, the sheets also include information about the firms public Wi-Fi networks as well as details about its smartphone travel app.该厕纸由日本移动巨头多克什公司买单,上面表明了该公司的公共无线网信息及其智能手机旅行应用于的详细信息。

The bizarre dispensers have been installed in seven restrooms and will remain in place until March next year, local media cited NTT Docomo as saying.据当地媒体援引多克什公司的话称之为,早已有7间洗手间加装了这种怪异的厕纸发给器,这些发给器将保有到明年3月份。Japan is globally renowned for revolutionising its public toilets, many of which are clean, modern and boast very elaborate high-tech features.日本公共卫生间的变革是世界闻名的,该国大多卫生间都十分整洁、现代化而且备有精心设计的高科技设施。

There are more than five times of germs on a smartphone screen as compared to a toilet seat, NTT Docomo said in a post on its official YouTube page.多克什公司在其YouTube官方主页上发帖称之为,“智能手机屏幕上的细菌比马桶座上的5倍还多。It added that the special cleaning rolls were made to clean screens so foreign tourists could enjoy their travel hygienically.他们称之为,这种类似洗手卷纸是“专门用来洗手屏幕的,可以让外国游客享用公共卫生的旅行”。In true Japanese fashion, a quirky two-minute instructional video demonstrated how to correctly use the sheets, and also the shower or bidet function found in most public toilets in the country.一段两分钟的怪异教学视频用典型的日本风格展示了如何准确用于手机厕纸,以及日本大多数公共卫生间都有的冲洗功能。

News of the smartphone toilet paper spread rapidly among Facebook users.关于这款智能手机厕纸的消息在脸谱用户中很快蔓延。Give your smartphone a wipe while you answer the call of nature, commented Roger Chen in Singapore.新加坡的Roger Chen评论道:“在你上厕所时擦擦自己的手机吧。”What if youre tired and jetlagged and accidentally mix up the smartphone toilet paper with the regular roll, asked another user.另一位用户则发问道:“如果你在疲惫不堪、推倒不过时差时不小心将智能手机厕纸和普通卷纸混淆了怎么办?”Others like Gale Gayol welcomed the move.盖尔.特约尔等用户则对此举回应青睐。

I need this. I have the habit of wiping my smartphone with tissue and alcohol every night after work, she said in a Facebook post.她在脸书的帖子上称:“我必须智能手机厕纸。我习惯在每晚上班后用纸巾和酒精涂抹我的手机。”Dont laugh. Your own toilet experience will always be crappy compared to this, said Mike Putro. Trust the Japanese to think of something so clever.“不要大笑。

和这个比起,你们自己的厕所体验知道很烂,”麦克.佩特罗称之为,“坚信日本人想要出来的东西一定是很机智的。”Welcome to Japan, where the way things are designed is pretty amazing in the sense that they seem to have thought of everything, said another user.另一位用户说道:“青睐回到日本,从某种程度上说道,这里的物品设计方式非常真是,因为他们或许考虑到了一切事情”。

Even things that you didnt think you needed suddenly become items you just cant live without.“就连你指出没适当的东西也不会忽然显得不可或缺。



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