13988889999发布时间:2024-12-24 02:20:01 点击量:851
本文摘要:When Research in Motion Ltd. unveiled the prototype of its upcoming BlackBerry last month, two features stole the show -- a predictive touch-screen keyboard and a camera that takes a series of near-instantaneous images for the perfect shot. Research in Motion Ltd.(全称RIM)上个月发布下一代黑莓(BlackBerry)手机的原型机时,有两个特性最引人注意。
When Research in Motion Ltd. unveiled the prototype of its upcoming BlackBerry last month, two features stole the show -- a predictive touch-screen keyboard and a camera that takes a series of near-instantaneous images for the perfect shot. Research in Motion Ltd.(全称RIM)上个月发布下一代黑莓(BlackBerry)手机的原型机时,有两个特性最引人注意。一个是具备意识到功能的触屏键盘;另一个是摄影头可以完全同时摄制一系列照片,以借此挑选最差的一张。But unlike with earlier BlackBerry models, RIM didnt design either tool -- its licensing the technology from two different European developers. In fact, most of the devices critical features are a patchwork of hardware and software obtained quietly through about a dozen acquisitions and multiple licensing deals over the past two years.ReutersRIM首席执行长海因斯手执一个新的黑莓原型机。
The features include the devices interface, which allows a user to navigate through the phones features, and the operating system itself.这些特性还包括手机的界面和操作系统本身。在其界面上,手机的各项特性可以一目了然。Buying up or licensing the latest technological gizmo is nothing new in the arms race that has broken out among the worlds top smartphone makers. But RIM has taken the strategy farther than most big players, at a crucial time for a company that practically invented the smartphone and once held unrivaled dominance over the market.在全球主要智能手机厂商之间愈演愈烈的竞赛中,并购近期技术或提供新技术许可都不新鲜。